Firstly, the 3D models of the asphalt barrel flat wagons has been completed by the wonderful Mark Greenwood. So go and check them out on his own blog HERE, they look great! I have been told that the 3D model will be sent of for a test print hopefully within the next two weeks. I expect Mark will update his blog accordingly, and of course I will keep you all in the loop as well.
And so on to more from Old AGWI Rd.
Suggestions had been made that the return loop added recently wasn't necessary and only resulted in complex wiring. I did still like the idea of it though, as it allows me to turn whole trains around easily. However, I thought I'd see if there was anything else I could do to remove it, so I came up with this:
Having played around with that track plan, it does seem quite fun to operate, and also means locos can still leave the shed/power house siding whilst the ropeway house platform is blocked. However, the one disadvantage of this plan is that there is no quick way to get from the jetty to the aerial ropeway house platform (which is what the return loop would have solved).
The thing I have to think about is that as this will eventually be an exhibition layout, ideally something has to be on the move all the time. If a train is running around the "mainline" a lot of the time, then access to the inner sidings becomes a problem. The only way to "solve" this is a crossing at the end of the jetty so that trains could enter the inner sidings quickly. It all depends on how lazy I feel like being (or how preoccupied I will be with chatting) at exhibitions!
So I'm still not sure on the trackplan. I'd welcome any thoughts on this matter.
Oh, and whilst I remember, woodwork is ongoing on the boards - they have had more cross supports added, and are now awaiting the edging plates to keep it all looking tidy.
So that about brings it up to date. I have also included a few screenshots of a simulation of the layout. I've had to work with what I was given, so some structures aren't great, and the locos are all SG!
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