A huge amount of progress was done today! I spent from 10am till 5pm in the garage working on the control panel box. The basic shell is now complete, and the only things that need doing are the holes for the electrics and attaching the control panel itself and the surfaces that the controllers sit on.
I didn't bother taking too many photos, but I have included a few showing my process of construction. Lines drawn onto the ply help me avoid the pine (got it right this time!) struts when drilling the holes through for the connectors.
The basic shell is shown in a complete stage (minus the stuff mentioned above). You can see the shelf for any cups at a low level to avoid spillage onto electrics. Also visible below that is a small shelf for bits of paper. Often when I take a layout to exhibitions I will be handed flyers for other shows, or important documents for the current show. The slot means I can keep it relatively safe until it's time to pack up.
Below you can see a last minute idea where the controllers would be. I decided it would be the perfect place for a little bit of storage. The lids will simply slot into place with a bit of the pine stripwood locating it properly. The controllers themselves will be supported using two bits of dowel.
And I also did a quick test fit of the panel, controller, and mug to make sure they sit where they should!
And now finally we see how I drilled the holes for the controller sockets. As the overhang on the table was not big enough, I had to clamp a bit of wood onto it and balance the control box on the end. This is to prevent the ply splitting horribly when I drill the holes!
And last but not least, my order from Parkside Dundas arrived today! 24 sets of wheels, two packets of couplings and some magnets to try out. So at last Old A.G.W.I Road will have the rolling stock it deserves!
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