Sandy Shores - Landforms Pt.II

A little bit more was done to the layout today with regards to the polystyrene landforms. The culvert and the pond have also now been carved out. Not much progress I know, but I've been racking my brains for ideas on how to make the lighting pelmet/backscene removable.

So not a very exciting update for tonight for which I apologise. The lighting I was going to use (3 spotlights) are really too heavy to be useful. I also ran across another problem. To test out the spotlights I hung them from an old microphone stand and realised that the front of the lighthouse would be in the dark if I used them. Thus I would need a small strip of LEDs or something just above and to the front of it.

Current thinking is to seriously stripback my design (which none of you have seen yet) for the pelmet and buy some LED strips to use - one set on the front, one towards the middle of the layout. Should help keep it lightweight and easier to build.
