Sandy Shores - Woodwork - Part I

Having bought a lot of materials yesterday I wanted to crack on with the woodwork for the layout. The original plan was to use 50mm softwood battens, but I've gone with 34mm (which is the same on Old AGWI Rd.) which will save a lot of weight and reduce the space taken up by the layout anyway.

The first job was to mark out the sub-base onto the ply top. I know it's marked on the wrong side but it was easier to mark it out this way. It still took a long time and I did make a couple changes from the 3D model. Most notably there are more 90 degree angles to keep it simple, and there is an added beam to the right of the bigger point motor hole for strength.

With a carpenter as a dad, it seemed silly not to use his expertise! He is the person responsible for all the lovely straight cuts in the photos below. As said previously, I cannot saw straight to save my life so it is a good job I know someone that can! I think you'll agree - he's done a fantastic job so far.

And this is the current state of play. As you can see it is starting to get dark, and besides, this all needs to be screwed together before the remainder of the battens can be cut. You can see just how neat my dad is at difficult-to-cut angles. I only hope I won't mess something up when I go to screw it all together tomorrow! As you can see, I have the countersink drill bit and straight drill bit at the ready.
