Sandy Shores - Dunes Proper! - Part 1

I've never been happy with the area around the headshunt jetty ever since I accidentally trimmed away too much polystyrene when I first carved out the landscape. Since I've been experimenting with scenery and also dug up my research on sand dunes, I've decided to redo the area. The photo below shows how it started out...

...then I carved out the first bit nearest the existing dune - the foredune and embryo dune. As the name suggests, the embryo dune is merely a small ridge only just forming as a dune. This runs a bit above the high water mark. The foredune is a slightly more advanced dune, though it is still small.

And so onto the final bit - the storm berm/beach. This marks the high tide line. In reality this should be bigger than I've made it here, but I do want to show a bit of water here, so I've sacrificed a bit of the storm beach to allow for this.

The overall outcome is a more realistic transect of a coastal sand dune, although not exactly perfect. Tomorrow I'll glue it down, and I also plan on constructing the turntable in the fiddle yard!
