Sandy Shores - The Headshunt Trestle - Final part?

Today amongst household chores I finished off the headshunt trestle. Took a lot longer than planned, but I watched a gaming livestream in the background which probably would account for it! Anyway, The buffer stop/end support was refabricated using new bits of balsa (the other 2 were too short) and braces made from chopped down lollipop sticks as always. Here is the assembly:

Then it was time for my now standard painting and weathering technique which turned it into something much better looking.

The walkway and handrail also had the same treatment, and the trestle legs were glued down to the baseboard. The following photos don't really need further explanation, but note that it is only the legs that are glued down currently. This is because I need to access the underside to cover the beach in clay and paint it. Also, I can't glue it down until the trackbed is glued down, and if you remember, I have to wait till the fiddle yard is built before I can do that.

Anyway, I have a fair few photos, so sorry if there are a too many but I couldn't work out what photos I liked most. The ones where the sun finally comes out look pretty nice because they bring out the real colours of the sand and the trestle!
